Monday, October 20, 2008

Skinny Bitch

Since I began my blog with totally randomn news about Holly and Hef's devastating breakup, I thought I would be consistently randomn in this weeks entry, writing about Skinny Bitch. So I am assuming that atleast a few people have heard about this book since it has been on the New York Times Best Seller list, and the authors/creators have appeared on many morning shows, and even Ellen Degeneres.

Anyway I picked this book up at chapters last week and finished in a couple of hours. WOW. The first thing that attracted me to it was obviously the title, Skinny Bitch. I mean who doesn't want to be a skinny bitch... (lol). So I thought it was a diet book(and to some extent it is), but its more or less a pro-veganism book. Its not only from an animal cruelty kinda standpoint (and you can visit PETA for more info on this subject but it discusses all of the nasty chemicals and hormones that are injected into animals to make them produce more of everything so that the farming industry makes a bigger profit.

This book was a real eye opener (be careful if you have a weak stomach). I definately recommend it to anyone concerned with their health. So I have decided to try veganism out. I haven't eaten any type of animal products for the last five days (pretty good for someone whose favourite food is chicken wings), just the thought of consuming animals really grosses me out now. I am gonna to try it for as long as I can to see what kind of health benefits i'll see. I already notice that I feel a lot better after I eat a meal, meat free meal don't sit as heavy or something.

So i will be updating everyone on my progress as I go along

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